Preserving forests
Forests, in France and around the world, are feeling the effects of demographic pressure and consumption. But they are still as vital as ever, representing 80% of regional biodiversity, ensuring water purification, absorbing and storing CO2, preserving soils and their fertility… According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), more than 25% of the world’s population depends on forests. The latter are essential sources of food, medicine, clothing, fuel, but also income for those people.
So that the wood required to manufacture the paper for your products does not compromise the forest balance, Bong campaigns for responsible consumption, by choosing FSC® or PEFC® certified products. These organizations, which aim above all to preserve the forest balance, guarantee the origin of the raw material as well as the forest management method.

What is a sustainably managed forest?
Managing a forest in a sustainable and responsible manner means ensuring that the production of wood is reconciled with the preservation of forest biodiversity and the response to consumer-citizen demands.
A sustainably managed forest maintains its biodiversity, respects soil and water, renews itself and benefits all of society by being a wood resource, a carbon sink and a place for walking and relaxing!
How do you ensure that the paper used for your bags comes from these forests?
By relying on 2 internationally recognized organizations FSC® and PEFC® which guarantee the traceability of forest products. Representatives of these two organizations regularly come to Bong’s premises to carry out audits to ensure that the traceability rules ensuring the monitoring of raw materials correspond to the requirements of their standards.

Did you know?

Natural forests represent 93% of the total forest area, the remaining 7% being occupied by planted forests, or 290 million hectares.
Planted forests:
- do not replace natural forests in Europe,
- are more productive and can grow faster than natural forests,
- provide habitat and shelter for wildlife,
“Well-managed planted forests can be useful in the provision of various forest goods and services and can help reduce pressure on natural forests”.
Source : FAO, The State of the World’s Forests, 2015
Between 2005 and 2020, the area of European forests increased by 58,000 square kilometres – an area larger than that of Switzerland.
FAO data, 2005-2020